I had a friend who was very much into conspiracy theories and totally convinced with the idea of Illuminati, supposedly a devil worshiping community. I do not remember the full details and particulates as such but the gist of it was how some very famous and powerful persons apparently made a deal with the devil for power and were responsible for world domination and creating a one world government. And also, supposedly something big, either a world war or other natural calamity was soon to strike us. But as the so-called apocalypse date of 21 December 2012 came and went without anything significant and the small disasters like earthquake and hurricanes, and crisis like Syria attack and Kenya bombings were called mere coincidences, we did not really pay much attention to the idea of devil worshipers being behind these events.
I have read the Dan Brown novels about conspiracy theories and secret organizations. Though his work is called fiction, he says that the societies mentioned in his books actually exist. Exciting as they may be, I never really saw the plot of the book as something that could actually happen. This may have something to do with the fact that none of the secret organizations and conspiracies would, if true, effect me directly.